Yoga on a rooftop

Yoga on a rooftop, yoga on the ground, yoga on the beach, yoga by the pool.

Oct 6, 2021

I did it, yoga on a rooftop. Actually it was helipad yoga.

I've been practicing yoga for some time now and during one of my recent spurts of joining a class, our instructor invited us to join her on the helipad with a group of ladies to do full moon helipad yoga.

So my friend and I booked the class and headed up to the 48th floor. Fear of heights didn't cross my mind, but my friend was quite nervous and it took a lot of willpower to get there.

The top of the Marriot Marquis overlooking the Persian Gulf in Doha

It truly was an amazing sight, and seeing the city from a different angle was wonderful.

Yes we did do an hour of yoga, despite the howling wind. Apparently the full moon causes strong winds at this time of year, nevertheless it was a unique experience.

Another angle looking eastwards

Looking to the west

"Yoga is the practice of being close to yourself, no matter what is happening within or around you. - Swami Sivananda -

Tree Pose

Yoga on a rooftop, yoga on the ground, yoga on the beach, yoga by the pool.  Take time to experience the benefits of yoga.
